[SalesForce] CronTrigger : set StartTime and EndTime

Is it possible to set the StartTime and EndTime fields of a CronTrigger object ?

I'm not able to set this fields in Apex code, I have the error below :

Field StartTime is not writeable

I know I can do it directly in CRON expression but only for simple expression.

For example, if I want to schedule a job every Monday at 2:00PM between 23th March 2015 and 12th January 2016, how can I do it with a CRON expression ?

When I schedule an APEX class in Salesforce GUI, I can choose the startTime and EndTime, so I think it's possible !

Any ideas ?

Best Answer

Lets say you want to schedule a class which run from 20-August-2015 to 30-August-2015 daily at 7 AM. Cron expression would be:

0 0 7 20-30 8 2015

Lets say you want to schedule a class which run from 20-August-2015 to 20-August-2016 daily at 7 AM. Cron expression would be:

0 0 7 20 8 2015-2016

Cron for running a batch every Monday at 2:00 PM is

 0 0 14 ? * 2

You can not write directly to fields. You will have to reschedule the class and delete old schedule.

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