[SalesForce] Custom button Javascript popup to have options to choose from

I have a custom button on a record page that executes javascript, calls a method1 in a Utilities class.

var result = sforce.apex.execute("Utilities","Method1",{Id:"{!Account.Id}"});

There is another menthod too in the class (method2).

Now I want the ability for the user to choose which method to call in the javascript pop-up and then call the appropriate method.

Yes, I tried these

  • Visualforce page to redirect from the custom button with selectOptions to choose from and call the appropriate method and it works.
  • creating a new picklist field on the object with those options and in javascript checks this picklist value and calls the method. It works too.

But is there a way that I can do completely in the custom button without using extra Visualforce page/fields at all?

Best Answer

Custom buttons support basic javascript. You can use a prompt box to ask for user's input

var methodSelection = prompt("Please enter which method you want to execute. Available options are : 1. MethodA 2. MethodB. Select 1 or 2);
if (person != null) {
    if(methodSelection == '1')
        var result = sforce.apex.execute("Utilities","Method1",{Id:"{!Account.Id}"});
    if(methodSelection == '2')
        var result = sforce.apex.execute("Utilities","Method2",{Id:"{!Account.Id}"});

Hope this helps.