[SalesForce] Custom Label in Javascript

I have a piece of Javascript in a Visualforce page. I would like to change the Status of a Case when a button is clicked invoking my Javascript function. I can't figure out the proper syntax for using a custom label from SFDC. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?


<script type="text/javaScript">
     sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!GETSESSIONID()}";
        function Escalate(){
           var confirmMsg = confirm("Are you sure you want to escalate this case to the Client?");
                var c = new sforce.SObject("Case");
                  if(confirmMsg == true){
                     c.id = "{!Case.Id}";
                     c.Escalate_to_Client__c = true;
                     c.Status = "{!$Label.Case_Status7__c}";

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Are you sure that the custom label name ends with "__c "? Looks more like a custom field name. Try this:

c.Status = "{!$Label.Case_Status7}";