[SalesForce] Custom Metadata types

I am trying out a few things with custom metadata types. My sandbox has winter 16 release and my production is summer 15. I moved the custom metadata types from sandbox to production except that it had problems with page layout of custom metadata types. But other than that the deployment went fine.

But the data doesnt seem to have moved to prodn. The query's all work without any issues except that they dont have no records.

The question i have is does the deployment of custom meta data types does not include the data. Is it because production orgs are not on Winter 16?

Best Answer

You can deploy custom metadata records in changesets, but you have to add them to the changeset (which is different from just adding the type). In the "Component Type" dropdown, look for the name of your custom metadata type (In Summer 15, the Api Name; in Winter 16 it's the label).

The reason for this: Suppose you had 10K records of a type. Why redeploy them all, if you're just changing a couple?

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