[SalesForce] Customize help text icon color in lwc

I want to have a help text with content but want to change the color of the icon in help text.

<lightning-helptext icon-name="utility:info"content="tooltip content here"></lightning-helptext>

In here I want to change the color of info icon. I have gone through icon-variant and its related style values. Lightning Web Component
Help text

There is Customize Component Styling where it is written thatlightning-helptext contains the same customizable elements as lightning-button-icon for the button icon, which supports –sds-c-button-* custom properties.

<lightning-helptext icon-name="utility:info"  content="tooltip content here" class="icn"> </lightning-helptext>

    --sds-c-button-brand-color-background: #bb00ff;
    --sds-c-button-text-color: #f4f7f9;

There i no reflect in button icon color

Best Answer

Why ".icon13" if the class name is "icn"? Try with .icn{}

Also, the css modifier is not correct, it has an extra "brand".

Try this:

.icn {
   --sds-c-button-color-background: red;
   --sds-c-tooltip-text-color: blue;

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Edit: added text color.