[SalesForce] Dashboard on Lightning page(Record detail page)

I am trying to display a Dashboard on the record detail page, but I couldn't find the Dashboard standard component on the left-side pane. All I got is Report Chart component. So I decided to use this in the place of a dashboard.

But my main requirement is to provide a Filter at the top of the donut-chart for the end user(like on a Dashboard, we can provide one) to filter out the data based on his/her desire. I cannot get this with the Report Chart component. I am not sure if I can build a VF page that holds the Dashboard(with the Filters) and have it on the record detail page.

If not, do I need to implement this completely custom way? If at all I need to implement this in a Lightning component, can we embed a Dashboard with a filter in it? Are there any OOB components(something like <aura:dashboard> ) that can be used? Looking for suggestions.

Best Answer

You can't embed a regular Salesforce dashboard in a Lightning page or in a Visualforce page. About the best you can do is iframe the dashboard into a VF page, but if you want to pass to one of the dashboard filters, that won't work.

If you have Einstein Analytics, it is possible to embed them on a record page.

Another option would be to rebuild the dashboard using VF charting.

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