[SalesForce] Deployment Error on save from Developer Console – recurring error message with new ID

While trying to save in the developer console, I get the following error:

Deployment Error

enter image description here

I have followed both solutions at:

  • Cancel all deployment from the progress window from:



However, neither work.

Each time I do a save, I get the same error, with a new ID

Progress log looks like this:

  • You can see I tried 2 times to save

enter image description here

There is nothing in the SF debug logs.

I am able to edit the same class outside the developer console (e.g. from within SF sandbox GUI. and than reload the file in console (see the edit) , edit and save, and I get the same error.

Best Answer

That error means something went wrong inside of Salesforce. This turned out to be an upgrade error on old workspaces. To resolve the issue, follow the steps as outlined in the known issue:

Create a new workspace in developer console:

  • Workspace / New Workspace

Then switch to the newly created workspace:

  • Workspace / Switch Workspace / {the new space}

You will be able to save once you are in the new workspace.

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