[SalesForce] Deployment getting failed with Error: duplicate value found: duplicates value on record with id:

Strange thing is happening during deployment which is that deployment is getting failed in Sandbox 3 and getting successful in other sandboxes(Sandbox 1 and Sandbox 2)!



*********** DEPLOYMENT FAILED ***********
Request ID: 0Af1100000uURFe31AH

All Component Failures:
1.  permissionsets/AjayGupta_System_Administrator_Light.permissionset -- Error: duplicate value found: <unknown> duplicates value on record with id: <unknown>

*********** DEPLOYMENT FAILED ***********

If anyone has faced this problem, please help me. Your help will be appreciated.

Many Thanks!

Best Answer

I got solution after some hit and trial method. Below two field permissions in the permission set were the culprit. I removed them from original file and pushed the code again and deployment is now successful in sandbox3 as well and all other sandboxes.


But still not able to understand the reason behind that, so please comment if anyone is aware about this situation?

Still very curious to know the reason...