[SalesForce] Developer Console Search in Files

Is there a way to get the developer console to return results from Visualforce Components when using the Edit -> Search in Files feature?
I get VF pages, and Apex Classes, but not VF Components.

Best Answer

If you use something like the Chrome developer tools when running the "Search in Files" functionality you will see the REST API call going out to the web services.


After URL decoding the SOSL query is:

FIND {Foo} IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING ApexClass(id, name, namespaceprefix, body), ApexTrigger(id, name, namespaceprefix, body), ApexPage(id, name, namespaceprefix, markup), ApexComponent(id, name, namespaceprefix, markup)

ApexComponent is labelled "Visualforce Component", so in theory it should be searching the VF components as well.

I confirmed that it can indeed find known content in a VF Component. enter image description here

However, it was a bit hit and miss about what it would actually find. Other terms that I know appear in the markup didn't come back in the results.

As Mike commented, pulling down the metadata and then searching it locally with the tool of your choice may be the best option.