[SalesForce] Difference between File and Attachment in SalesForce

We have been using Notes and Attachment to store files related to the record. I also read about Files in salesforce.

How are Files different from Attachment? Are there any limitations or benefits of using Files instead of Attachments?

Are Files available for all editions of Salesforce?

Is it possible to link Files to particular records so they are visible as related list? I tried looking into the content version https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_contentversion.htm but cant seem to find anything to relate to a record

Best Answer

Files refer to salesforce content management system.you can create libraries for files and manage their access. Files tab is the place for these.Refer link below:


Notes & Attachments are something specific to each record. you can control wether attachments are allowed on an object or not by a check box on object settings.Access to each record controls access to its attachments.


Each type comes with their own limits,refer to salesforce help for further details.

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