[SalesForce] Disable commandButton after first click to prevent double submission

I have an apex:commandButton on a visualforce page that invokes a method on the controller. There is currently no rerender value set for the button. Instead the controller method returns a PageReference to redirect the user as required.



<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>


public PageReference save() {
    // save body ...

    // return the user the a parent opportunity
    return new PageReference('/' + opp.Id);

Users are currently able to click on the resulting save button multiple times before the controller completes and returns the PageReference to redirect the browser to an opportunity.

How can I disable the commandButton after the first click?

I tried wrapping the commandButton in an actionStatus and facet, but the need to define the rerender property prevented the resulting PageReference redirect.


This will render nicely in the browser and prevent multiple clicks, but doesn't redirect to the Opportunity on completion.

<apex:actionStatus id="saveStatus">
    <apex:facet name="stop">
        <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}" status="saveStatus" rerender="saveParentBlock" />
    <apex:facet name="start">
        <apex:commandButton value="Saving..." disabled="true" status="saveStatus"/>

There is a similar question Using jQuery to disable VF page button onclick. I need to support an existing PageReference redirect, which slightly alters the requirements.

Force.com Discussion Boards: Disabling a commandButton to prevent double submission

Ideas: Disable command buttons on click in visualforce as standard

Best Answer

The mechanism I have found to be most maintainable uses a JavaScript function called by an element's click event, which internally calls an actionFunction to post the form, disables the buttons on the page and then returns false on the commandlink/button. This is used in conjunction with an oncomplete on the actionFunction to re-enable the buttons when the form has been (ajax) posted and returns a result to the page.

Without the rerender attribute the form performs a full postback along with the disabling of the buttons.

Note: You can't disable the button(s) before the form is posted or the data sent to the controller will not include which button/link within the form was clicked and thus which action to execute.

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/latest/jquery.js"></script>

    function buttonsEnabled(enabled) {
        // retrieve all of the buttons or links on the page
        // with the css class of btn
        var $buttons = jQuery('.btn');
        if (enabled === false) {
            // add the btnDisabled class to give it the look of being disabled
            // add the disabled attribute to actually disable interactability
            $buttons.toggleClass('btnDisabled', true).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
        } else {
            // remove the css class and the disabled attribute
            $buttons.toggleClass('btnDisabled', false).attr('disabled', null);

    function doSomeWork() {
        // first, call the action function to post the form

        // second, disable the buttons

        // third, return false to prevent the click from
        // posting the form a second time
        return false;



    <apex:actionFunction name="doSomeWorkActionFunction" 

    <apex:commandLink action="{!yourControllerMethod}" 
        value="Your Text Here" 
        onclick="return doSomeWork();" />

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