[SalesForce] Disable Javascript based Field Validation by Salesforce

i am facing a JavaScript based field validation problems in Salesforce. First let's give you my code snippet.


<apex:inputField value="{!dealObject.Name}" required="true" />

But when i try to click on any button/link on my VF page it shows me an error message as shown in following image:
enter image description here

For example if if click on my commandButton to do something or even click on simple HTML button to call JavaScript function this message appears. This problem occurrs for every required field, even if i don't explicitly add required attribute. BTW i am on Partner Developer Edition.

My question is how i can disable this functionality or go around it somehow.

NOTE: I am not using any validator plugin.

Best Answer

Try making the apex command buttons(which are giving the required field error) Attribute immediate="true" as follows,

< apex:commandButton immediate="true" name="xyz" action="{!someAction}">