[SalesForce] Display default picklist value as Read-only on Custom Object

I am fairly new to Salesforce and recently came across an interesting problem for which I have been trying to find a solution. My app has a Custom Object called MyCustomObject__c with a VF named MyCustomObject.page that calls a the StandardController MyCustomObject and its extension MyCustomObjectControllerExt. The Custom Object has a picklist (MyPickList__c with 3 values: New, Active and Expired and whose default value is set to New on the picklist object. What I would like to achieve is to make the picklist defaulted to 'New' and Read-Only each time a new record is created (via the New Standard Salesforce button). I have first made the change to the Page Layout on the object by selecting the Read-Only option, however the user is still able to set whichever value they want to pick when creating a new record instance. I have then included the following code snippet in the VF:

        <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" title="My Custom Object">
        <apex:outputField value="{!MyCustomObject__c.MyPickList__c}"  />                            

I am not sure, however, how the controller extension needs further adapting to set the picklist to the default value. Currently, it includes the following:

public MyCustomObjectExt(ApexPages.StandardController standardcontroller){
MyCustomObject__c customObject = new MyCustomObject__c();
customObject.MyPickList__c = 'New';
this.controller = standardcontroller;

Am I leaning towards the right direction with this issue?

Thank you all for your help, much appreciated!


Best Answer

As for the read-only aspect of your question, end users will not be able to modify the value on the page you have specified, as you are using an apex:outputField, which is read-only by default (it's the first thing mentioned in the documentation).

Here is how you would retrieve the deault programatically. Check out the Schema.PicklistEntry documentation, specifically isDefaultValue.

public class MyCustomObjectServices
    public static Schema.PicklistEntry myPicklistDefaultEntry
            // Lazy load if you wish
            // You may prefer to return just the Label/Value
            for (Schema.PicklistEntry entry : myPickListEntries)
                if (entry.isDefaultValue()) return entry;
            return null;
    public static List<Schema.PicklistEntry> myPickListEntries
            // Lazy load if you wish
            return MyCustomObject__c.MyPickList__c.

You could reference these in your controller with ease:

public MyCustomObjectExt(ApexPages.StandardController standardcontroller){
    MyCustomObject__c customObject = new MyCustomObject__c();
    customObject.MyPickList__c = MyCustomObjectServices.myPicklistDefaultEntry.getValue();
    this.controller = standardcontroller;