[SalesForce] Display required Error message upon submitting a LWC form

I created a LWC with two lightning-input tags marked as required and a lightning-button tag. I am struggling to display required error message on submitting the button. I get error message when I don't enter any text and blur out of the input field. But when I submit I don't see the error messages. Do I need to write my own logic to display custom message?

Is there a way to get the value of the input from a class defined on the lightning-input instead of getting from the bind property?

import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';

export default class Avisvintracker1 extends LightningElement {
  @track test;
  @track test2;

  submit() {
      // How Can I trigger error if the user doesn't fill the form?
    <lightning-input label="test" value={test} required></lightning-input>
    <lightning-input label="test2" value={test2} required></lightning-input>
    <lightning-button variant="brand" label="Brand action" title="Brand action" class="slds-m-left_x-small" onclick={submit}>


Best Answer

Do I need to write my own logic to display custom message?


This is from documentation for lightning-input:

For example, you have the following form with several fields and a button. To display error messages on invalid fields, use the reportValidity() method.

Your submit function should implement something as mentioned in the documentation (as below). I did a quick test and once the input fields are validated, you are able to view the required field error on the fields.

@track value = "initial value";

handleClick(evt) {
    console.log('Current value of the input: ' + evt.target.value);

    const allValid = [...this.template.querySelectorAll('lightning-input')]
        .reduce((validSoFar, inputCmp) => {
                    return validSoFar && inputCmp.checkValidity();
        }, true);
    if (allValid) {
        alert('All form entries look valid. Ready to submit!');
    } else {
        alert('Please update the invalid form entries and try again.');
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