[SalesForce] Duplicate Management Error in Process Builder

I have a problem concerning the process builder. When the message "Duplicate Detected" is being displayed, and you press "Save, ignore warning", the users now get the error, that no flow could be triggered. Via E-Mail I get the following message:


How does that happen and how can I prevent it? Is it a bug or did I miss something?

Best Answer

This is a known problem and it has been for the past four years: https://success.salesforce.com/ideaView?id=08730000000oMVgAAM

For myself, I am going to find out if I can replace the process with an old fashioned work flow. Update: this turned out not to be possible. The triggering record was a Task and the record that must be updated is an Account. Just the kind of thing that a process can do, but a work flow can't.

The solution for me was to do the update not immediately, but in the future. I moved the actions from direct to scheduled (well, moved: no, I copied them and then deleted the original). I used a one hour delay.

That way, the update is done way after the other update/creation has been done and there is no conflict. For me this works, because the concerning field does not need to be updated in real-time. A one hour delay is acceptable.