[SalesForce] Dynamic SOQL :System.QueryException: unexpected token: <

I am getting the error:

DEBUG|Query : Select Id from TestObj__c where CreatedDate <=
2016-07-29 00:00:00 |EXCEPTION_THROWN|[33]|System.QueryException:
unexpected token: < |FATAL_ERROR|System.QueryException: unexpected
token: <

Decimal noOfDays;
    CS_Custom_Settings__c cs = CS_Custom_Settings__c.getOrgDefaults();
    if(cs != null && cs.Number_of_days_Purge_Batch_Job__c != null){
        noOfDays = cs.Number_of_days_Purge_Batch_Job__c;
    Date reqDate = Date.today() - Integer.valueOf(noOfDays);
    for(Purge_Batch_Job__c batchJob : Purge_Batch_Job__c.getAll().values()){
    for(String objName : objAPINames){
        //System.debug('Query : ' + 'Select Id from ' + objName + ' where CreatedDate <= ' + reqDate);
        System.debug('Query : ' + 'Select Id from ' + objName + ' where CreatedDate <=: reqDate');
        for(sObject s : Database.Query('Select Id from ' + objName + ' where CreatedDate <=: reqDate')){ 

Please help me out with this

Best Answer

Your query in for loop is correct

Use soql same in system debug as well

System.debug('Query : ' + 'Select Id from ' + objName + ' where CreatedDate <=: reqDate');

Here I can see you are using soql inside for loop. I guess the above list objAPINames . it will contain only few sobject so it should not hit the soql governer limits


Another issue in for loop soql, before where you need to give space

for(sObject s : Database.Query('Select Id from ' + objName + ' where CreatedDate <=: reqDate'))