[SalesForce] Efficient way to check if Object contain any field with null/empty value

I think we all have faced this check, do any field value is blank or not?
I did it like this(in lightning)

var commonObj = component.get('v.commonObj');
    if(  $A.util.isEmpty(commonObj.FirstName)
              || $A.util.isEmpty(commonObj.LastName)
              || $A.util.isEmpty(commonObj.FatherName)
              || $A.util.isEmpty(commonObj.Gender)
              || $A.util.isEmpty(commonObj.Mobile)
              || $A.util.isEmpty(commonObj.City)
              || $A.util.isEmpty(commonObj.State)){
                 alert('Please fill the missing values.');

I feel it's the poorest way of doing this as

  • What if the number of fields is large(say 60-80)

But, before writing the above code I tried to use reduce method as

var commonObj = component.get('commonObj');    
var validInput = commonObj.reduce(function (validSoFar, fieldVal) {
                return validSoFar && $A.util.isEmpty(fieldVal);
            }, true);

But this code says

Uncaught Error in $A.getCallback() [commonObj.reduce is not a

I'm looking for some efficient way of doing the same. Also, 1 more thing, why reduce method is not a function error is occurring? I tried using reduce method many times to do client-side validation of data entered as

var isAllValid = component.find('myform').reduce(function (validSoFar, inputCmp) {
            return validSoFar && inputCmp.get('v.validity').valid;
        }, true);

But every time it gave me the same error

reduce is not a

Please guide me.

Best Answer

You are doing mistake with reduce method syntax. Yoiu need to find attribute and then need to validate value while currently it looks like you are fetching object and then doing validation.

<lightning:input aura:id="fieldId" required="true" label="Name" name="filename" value="{!v.Name}"/>

and then in controller

var allValid = component.find('fieldId').reduce(function (validSoFar, inputCmp) {
     return validSoFar && !inputCmp.get('v.validity').valueMissing;
}, true);
if (allValid) {
    alert('All form entries look valid. Ready to submit!');
} else {
    alert('Please update the invalid form entries and try again.');
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