[SalesForce] Encoding used when sending emails through singleemail method

When sending out a single email salesforce encodes the HTML body

As per doc :


Optional. The HTML version of the email, specified by the sender. The
value is encoded according to the specification associated with the
You must specify a value for setTemplateId, setHtmlBody,
or setPlainTextBody. Or, you can define both setHtmlBody and

Where is this setting in a dev org to control the type of encoding?

Best Answer

Here is what is documented under the Implementation Considerations by Salesforce:

The API supports either full Unicode characters or ISO-8859-1 characters. The character set for your organization depends on the Salesforce instance your organization uses. If your organization logs into ssl.salesforce.com, then your encoding is ISO-8859-1. All other instances use UTF-8. You can determine the character set for your organization by calling describeGlobal() and inspecting the encoding value returned in the DescribeGlobalResult.

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