[SalesForce] Enter key pressed inside a lightning input

I have a lightning:input and when the focus is on it and you type the enter stroke: it refreshes the page.

I tried to prevent it by implementing the onchange: avoid the event to be fire but the callback is never launched.


  onchange="{! c.callbackNeverCalled }"


callbackNeverCalled: function(component, event, helper) {
  event.preventDefault(); // Does not prevent from refreshing/redirecting the page & also 'deprecated'.

  // Is an empty object but the good way to do (cf. documentation)

Best Answer

Thanks to SFDCFOX and PatMcClellan__c. Workaround is:

<span onkeypress="{!c.keyCheck}" class="slds-size--11-of-12">
    <lightning:input aura:id="body" label="" name="Body" placeholder="Enter message..." value="{!v.Message.Body__c}" />

keyCheck : function(component, event, helper){
    if (event.which == 13){
        helper.onSend(component, event);