Error Deploying QuickAction to Campaign – Solutions and Fixes

I have a QuickAction that I'm trying to deploy (using Ant) to a new Developer org. The quick action creates a new child Campaign and uses the ParentId field. Also, this quick action exists in other Developer orgs I use, which I'm assuming was created using the UI, so it's a valid QuickAction. At any rate, when trying to deploy, I get the following error:

Error: Target object does not have a valid lookup or master-detail reference to the parent object

Uh, this is not true as Campaign obviously looks up to itself using ParentId. I also verified that my user profile has read/update permissions on ParentId. I've done other searches on the Internets to no avail. Does anybody have any ideas?

Let me know if you have any questions/need additional information.

Thank you much!

Best Answer

The deploying user did not have Marketing User checked in the user's detail page. Therefore, the user didn't have access to Campaigns and could not deploy the create campaign quick action.