[SalesForce] “ERROR: self signed certificate in certificate chain.” on SFDX force:auth:web:login

Could not find the issue hence asking, after updating SFDx to v43. When trying to connect to a sandbox i am getting –

"ERROR: self signed certificate in certificate chain"

I have run below commands but it didn't resolved the issue:

  2. set HTTPS_PROXY= {https proxy}

there are no other process running on port 1717 on my machine , Is there any way possible to get past this without using the CA signed certs?

Best Answer

Thanks Stas, I had a look but it seems to be requiring certs. I was able to make it work by following below steps.

  1. Set Windows Env Variable NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED with Value =0.
  2. Log Off and Log in to windows

Ideally it's the similar to command - set NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 but somehow it didn't worked for me but worked for my colleague.