[SalesForce] Error using visualForce Remoting for javascript call to custom apex controller RemoteAction

I am trying to call a custom apex controller from javascript code in my visual force page but keep getting the following error :

 Visualforce Remoting Exception: No such column '_name' on sobject of type facture__c 

Here's the javascript call :

   var createFacture = function() {
          var facture = new SObjectModel.Facture();
          var factureReferenceField = document.getElementById('facture-reference');
          var factureClientField = document.getElementById('select-client');
          facture.Reference__c = factureReferenceField.value ;
          facture.Client__c = factureClientField.value;

            //Invoking controller action getcon
             facture, factureLines,
            function(result, event){
                console.log("in callback func");   
            {escape: true}

         console.log('hell yeah');                          

and here's the apex controller method Im trying to call :

public static Facture__c saveFacture(Facture__c facture, Ligne__c[] lines) {
    // Perform isUpdatable() checking first, then
    System.debug('facture: '+ facture);
    System.debug('lines: '+ lines);
    upsert facture;
    for(Ligne__c line : lines) {
        line.facture__c = facture.Id;
        upsert line;
    return facture;

I ve made the full code of the page and the controller available on github if you need to see more :


How to fix this error and make my remote call work ?

Best Answer

apex:remoteObjects provides a JS-only interface; you can use this to perform DML operations and queries without Apex.

For a remote action method, you'd use a simple object:

var facture = { };
facture.Reference__c = factureReferenceField.value;
facture.Client__c = factureClientField.value;
        //Invoking controller action getcon
         facture, ...
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