[SalesForce] Error while inserting contentdocumentlink with Collaborator access through Apex

I have a lightning component which executes an apex class on load. In apex class, I'm getting some list of files and providing 'Collaborator' access to the logged-in user if he is eligible. When I'm inserting a single contentdocumentlink with shareType='c' it works but doesn't if the same record is in the List.

Error : System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_OR_READONLY, Invalid sharing type C: [ShareType]

Code :

    public static void createContentDocLink(String recordId){
        Set<Id> documentIds = new Set<Id>(); 
        List<ContentDocumentLink> cdl=[SELECT id,LinkedEntityId,ContentDocumentId FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId IN:recordId];  
        for(ContentDocumentLink cdLink:cdl){  
        List<ContentDocumentLink> cdlList = new List<ContentDocumentLink>();

            for(ID id : documentIds){
                ContentDocumentLink cd = new ContentDocumentLink();
                cd.ContentDocumentId = id;
                System.debug('cd.ContentDocumentId :'+id);
                cd.LinkedEntityId = Userinfo.getUserId();
                System.debug('Userinfo.getUserId() :'+Userinfo.getUserId());
                cd.ShareType = 'C';
                cd.Visibility = 'InternalUsers';
                system.debug('cdlList :'+cdlList);
                insert cdlList; 
                //Below commneted code works
            /*  ContentDocumentLink cd = new ContentDocumentLink();
                cd.ContentDocumentId = '06**************';
                cd.LinkedEntityId = '005***********';
                cd.ShareType = 'C';
                system.debug('cD '+cd);
                insert cd;*/


Note : getting the same error even though the list contains single record.

Best Answer

Make sure User has permission to the library. Please read the description of ShareType field

enter image description here

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