[SalesForce] {“error”:”invalid_grant”,”error_description”:”inactive organization”}

I am making POST request to https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token to get the access token. Which is resulting in a 400 response code with the message –
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"inactive organization"}

What can be the meaning of this error?

Best Answer

Server Sends a Response

After the request is verified, Salesforce sends a response to the client. Token responses for the OAuth 2.0 SAML bearer token flow follow the same format as authorization_code flows, although no refresh_token is ever issued.

Note: A SAML OAuth 2.0 bearer assertion request looks at all the previous approvals for the user that include a refresh_token. If matching approvals are found, the values of the approved scopes are combined and an access_token is issued (with "token_type" value "Bearer"). If no previous approvals included a refresh_token, no approved scopes are available, and the request fails as unauthorized.


If there is an error in processing the SAML bearer assertion, the server replies with a standard OAuth error response, including an error and an error description containing additional information regarding the reasons the token was considered invalid. Here is a sample error response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
"error_description":"Audience validation failed"

Refer this for Detail Answers and Search for "Using SAML Bearer Assertions" this heading in pdf