[SalesForce] Error:System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded

I am getting this error: 'Error:System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded'
for this simple trigger. The trigger is working just fine. Can anyone tell me if I am doing something wrong in the script below. I will appreciate any help!

 trigger UpdateNRProducts on Account (after update) {

   Set<NRProducts__c> parents = new Set<NRProducts__c>();

   for (NRProducts__c  a : [SELECT Id FROM NRProducts__c WHERE Account__c IN :Trigger.new]){

    parents.add(new NRProducts__c(Id = a.id )); 


    if(!parents.isEmpty()) update new List<NRProducts__c>(parents);


or This trigger which is in the NRProducts Object

   trigger buyerlookupTriggerNRProducts on NRProducts__c (before insert,before update) {

  Map<id,Account> map1= new Map<id,Account>();
  for(NRProducts__c rod : Trigger.new){
  map1 = new Map<ID,Account>([select id, Owner.id, Specialist__c, Brand_Manager__c  from Account where Id IN : map1.keySet()]);

  for(NRProducts__c rod : Trigger.new)
  if(map1.get(rod.Account__c) != null){

            rod.Buyer_Lookup__c = map1.get(rod.Account__c).Owner.id;
            rod.Specialist_Lookup__c = map1.get(rod.Account__c).Specialist__c;
            rod.Brand_Manager__c = map1.get(rod.Account__c).Brand_Manager__c;


Best Answer

Your problem isn't here, but somewhere else. You'll need to set profiling to the highest level ("FINEST") and see which functions consume the most time in the heap/debug logs.

"API's running all day long" wouldn't cause this error either, as CPU limits are per-transaction. There's just some function that's eating up enormous amounts of CPU time. Check for any triggers on NRProducts__c, see if there's any DML operations that would cascade further updates, etc.

By the way, you can write your entire trigger like this:

trigger updateNRProducts on Account (after update) {
    update [SELECT Id FROM NRProducts__c WHERE Account__c IN :Trigger.new];

This removes the need for the loop (which uses CPU time), although that loop shouldn't be anything more than a few milliseconds. Assuming you have similarly structured code elsewhere, it could just be too much inefficient code eating away at the total CPU time available.

Personally, I'd guess that the NRProducts__c triggers are using nested loops instead of maps, or somewhere else down the line has that problem.


Loops are very slow. Extremely.

Consider the following code:

Long time1 = DateTime.now().getTime();
Account[] records = new Account[0];
Account[] temp = [SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 1000];
Long time2 = DateTime.now().getTime();
System.debug(LoggingLevel.ERROR, DateTime.now().getTime());
for(Account record:temp)
    records.add(new Account(Id=record.Id));
Long time3 = DateTime.now().getTime();
System.debug(LoggingLevel.ERROR, 'Query Time: '+(time2-time1)+'ms');
System.debug(LoggingLevel.ERROR, 'Loop Time: '+(time3-time2)+'ms');

1,000 records in my org outputs the following:

17:04:09:691 USER_DEBUG [9]|ERROR|Query Time: 20ms
17:04:09:691 USER_DEBUG [10]|ERROR|Loop Time: 5638ms

I'm not sure if it's memory allocation or a slow iterator, but there's definitely some odd going on here. Save your CPU time and just update the list directly. Avoid memory-hogging loops.

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