[SalesForce] Escaping doublequotes in AMPScript

I have Google Analytics enabled in the account and there is one link that get broken when the analytics code is appended to it. After talking to ET/SFMC Support they suggest concatenating the link. However, I have a style applied to it and the double quotes do not work. I tried escaping the characters or replacing the double quotes with single quotes and it still doesn't work. Do you have any suggestions?


%%=V(CONCAT("< a href=",@Confirmation_URL," style=\'color: rgb(57, 181, 73); text-decoration: none;\' target=\'_blank\'>",@Confirmation_URL,"</a>"))=%%

Best Answer

First, you don't need the v() function. No need to escape the single quotes, you're just missing a single quote after the href:

%%=concat("<a href='", @Confirmation_URL, " style='color: rgb(57, 181, 73); text-decoration: none;' target='_blank'>",@Confirmation_URL,"</a>")=%%
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