[SalesForce] ExactTarget (Marketing Cloud) Get Message Rest API call returning 500

I am attempting to retrieve all messages from our ExactTarget instance for an ETL. I am following the documentation from ExactTarget's code@ site. However the calls are returning a 500 Internal Server Error. Here is my request in Ruby:

    response = RestClient::Request.execute(:method => :get, :url => 'https://www.exacttargetapis.com/push/v1/message', :headers => {'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' + access_token}, :timeout => 600, :open_timeout => 600)
  rescue => e

This is the 500 error response:

  "message"=>"Internal Server Error"

Note: the documentation link is dead.

The credentials used are good and using foo credentials results in a 401 Unauthorized response as expected. Is there a better way to extract all data from ExactTarget for an ETL system? Is it possible to get useful error codes from ExactTarget?

Best Answer

For an email ETL, you may have to use the SOAP API, which is more robust for email. Check out this article.

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