[SalesForce] Example of using String.format() with a number / does this function even work

Per the docs

format(String, List<String>)

Treat the current string as a pattern that should be used for substitution in the same manner as apex:outputText.

Which would lead me to think this would be a great function

public static String toCurrencyString(Decimal input) {
    return String.format('{0,number,currency}', new String[] { input.format());

But that just throws a System.StringException: Cannot format given Object as a Number

Is there anyway to use this function for more than just basic string substitution? Or should I just consider this apparent platform bug one of those special Salesforce "features" that will never get fixed.

Best Answer

String.format() seems to accept only Strings as arguments, it's less powerful than apex:outputText.

Check the @Abhinav's blog post at http://www.tgerm.com/2011/01/message-format-string-format-apex.html, vote for his idea...

I think for now your best choice is this:

Decimal x = 123456789.01;

It outputs 123,456,789.01 in my current en_GB locale. Different locales (like de) can have dots and commas swapped around.

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