[SalesForce] Execute SOQL query via REST API in apex

I'm trying to execute an SOQL query via REST API call because I want to retrieve custom labels (ExternalString) previous to a date and by Category.

I generate my query like this

Datetime limitDate = Datetime.now();
String query = 'SELECT Name FROM ExternalString WHERE Category = \'Test\' AND LastModifiedDate >= ' + limitDate;

And I'm trying this request

endpoint = '/services/data/v' + apiversion + '/query/q=' + EncodingUtil.urlEncode(query.replace(' ','+'), 'UTF-8');
HttpResponse result;
Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
result = http.send(req);

But it's always giving me the following error:

no protocol: /services/data/v48.0/query/q=SELECT%2BName%2BFROM%2BExternalString%2BWHERE%2BCategory%2B%3D%2B%27App%2BM%C3%B3vil%27%2BAND%2BLastModifiedDate%2B%3E%3D%2B2021-03-09%2B23%3A00%3A00

Is there something I'm doing wrong or missing when trying to achieve this functionality?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

There's a couple things that need fixing

  1. You need to use ?q= in your query. See the example below from the REST API developer guide
  1. The object you're querying is only available through the Tooling API as well so you need to use that endpoint
  1. The date value you're using in your filter needs to be in the following format 2021-03-09T00:00:00z
  1. You need to pass a session Id in the Authorization header. See REST Headers or look at @sfdcfox's tip for using PageReference to avoid needing this snippet
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
req.setHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + UserInfo.getSessionId());