[SalesForce] execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.StringException: Invalid id

What I'm doing wrong here? I'm creating a new record which is work_order__c and once I created I'm getting the name of the newly created row and updating the vendor__c object

vendor__c.Current_work_order__c is a lookup on work_order__c object

Anybody can show me what I'm doing wrong here?

Error: Invalid Data. Review all error messages below to correct your
data. Apex trigger vendorTrigger caused an unexpected exception,
contact your administrator: vendorTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate
caused by: System.StringException: Invalid id: WO-0000411:
Class.vendorController.PopulateWorkOrderBy: line 161, column 1

I have trigger on vendor__c object

  trigger vendorTrigger on vendor__c (after insert, after update) 
    vendorController vencont = new  vendorController();

public with sharing class vendorController
      public void PopulateWorkOrderBy(List<vendor__c> vendor)
         //run some business rules/validations

         //insert into WO
         Work_Order__c wo = new Work_Order__c();
         wo.Est_Hours__c = 89;
         wo.Instructions__c = 'this is a test';
         insert wo; 

         //lets get the vendor id first:
         string venId
         for(vendor__c ven : vendor)
           //get the vendor id
           venId = ven.Id;

         //its time to update the vendor field
         Vendor__c vendorObj = [select Id, Name, current_work_order__c from vendor__c where id =: venId];
         vendorObj.Current_work_order__c = wo.Name //name of the newly created work_order__c Name

         //update the vendor object now
         update vendorObj;

Best Answer

Change this:

vendorObj.Current_work_order__c = wo.Name;

To this:

vendorObj.Current_work_order__c = wo.Id;

There seem to be other problems with your code that could cause problems - I'm not sure if they are because you cut the code down or if they are real, but I'd look closely at this code:

string venId
for(vendor__c ven : vendor)
    venId = ven.Id;

This is going to save only the last vendor id - is that what you were intending?

EDIT You don't need any of the query at the end either. You need to make this a before update, before insert trigger

Ie, remove this:

Vendor__c vendorObj = [select Id, Name, current_work_order__c from vendor__c where id =: venId];
vendorObj.Current_work_order__c = wo.Name 
//update the vendor object now
update vendorObj;

Define your trigger like this:

trigger vendorTrigger on vendor__c (before insert, before update) 

Add this:

vendor.Current_work_order__c = wo.Id;

The reason for this is that before insert/update triggers implicitly update the trigger - you are modifying the trigger before it has been saved to the database and it will be saved soon after your trigger runs.