Visual Workflow – How to Pass sObject Variable to and from a Subflow

Is it possible to pass sObject record variables from one flow to another? For example, if I provide the user the ability to jump into a screen subflow to create an Account or Contact (which I would store in an sAccount or sContact variable with "output" enabled. Could I then receive that from my calling flow?

I assumed this was possible from everything I've read, but at the moment when I attempt it like so…
enter image description here

I can can close the component screen, but when I save the Flow I get the following error message:

An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 2129314187-211745 (-944130218)

enter image description here

Is this simply a bug or am I misunderstanding how this needs to work?

Best Answer

After several hours of scouring the interwebs, with no reason to believe this should not work, I finally uncovered why I was getting this error. In short, it was because of a private setting on my sContact sObject variable from the main Flow.

The reason this was not easily detected, my sContact variable was created from a "Get Records" component like so. Unfortunately when using the "Automatically store all field" feature there is no way to add the "input/output" classification ( here) enter image description here

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