[SalesForce] FlowDefinition isn’t supported

I have an up to date SFDX and plugins. I continue to get the flow definition error when pushing with Illuminated Cloud to my scratch org. I am not sure what the next steps should be as I have followed the release notes for summer '19. Any suggestions other than uninstalling and reinstalling?

Olivias-MBP:~ oliviaporter$ sfdx plugins --core
@oclif/plugin-commands 1.2.2 (core)
@oclif/plugin-help 2.2.0 (core)
@oclif/plugin-not-found 1.2.2 (core)
@oclif/plugin-plugins 1.7.8 (core)
@oclif/plugin-update 1.3.9 (core)
@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available 1.7.0 (core)
@oclif/plugin-which 1.0.3 (core)
@salesforce/sfdx-trust 3.0.5 (core)
analytics 1.1.2 (core)
generator 1.1.0 (core)
salesforcedx 46.6.0
├─ force-language-services 46.11.0
└─ salesforce-alm 46.10.0

sfdx-cli 7.15.3 (core)

Salesforce DX WARNING: FlowDefinition isn’t supported in the
Salesforce CLI for API version 44.0 and later. Make sure that the
flowDefinitions directory is empty and that you’ve upgraded the flow
files per the instructions in the Metadata API Developer Guide:

I have tried to manually empty out the flow definition folder but still received the error.

In the package.xml:


Best Answer

As a workaround - I added flow definitions to the .forceIgnore file and was able to move forward with development.

It's not ideal so if anyone else has a different suggestion I am open!

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