[SalesForce] Formula field image not visible from communities

I have a formula field displaying an image. It works great for an internal user but does not work for my partner community.

I have tried using the IMAGE(LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND( '/services',$Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))++"resource/. image suggested in another thread but the ++ errors and without that it saves but does not display the image. Here is my formula

CASE( TEXT(Status__c) , 
"Active",  IMAGE("/resource/AccessGranted", "Granted"),
"Revoked",  IMAGE("/resource/AccessRevoked", "Revoked"),
"Expired",  IMAGE("/resource/AccessExpired", "Expired"),


Best Answer

"LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND( '/services',$Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))+" should have been added to the normal "/resource/..."

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