[SalesForce] Formula field in SOQL – Performance Impact


Let's say I have two custom obejcts – Student and Class. The Class object is connected with object Student through lookup relationship. The Class object also has a formula field (Student_UniqueCode__c):


Now while doing SOQL, which one I should use, the formula field or the relationship to get better performance?

Query 1

Select Student_UniqueCode__c from Student__c


Select Student__r.uniqueCode__c from Student__c

Query 2

Select <..> from Student__c where Student_UniqueCode__c like ...


Select <..> from Student__c where Student__r.uniqueCode__c like ...

Best Answer

You should use the Query Plan tool to figure out performance questions for your own org. When I analyzed a nearly identical structure in my own org, there was no difference in performance.

It may also be worth reading this article by Steve Bobrowski: Force.com Formula Fields, Indexes, and Performance Gotchas. It goes into detail about what your decision making process should be and the performance impacts.

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