[SalesForce] Full Copy Sandboxes – Storage Capacity

As per Salesforce,

Full copy sandboxes have the same storage limit as your production organization.

I want to know what is the "storage limit" exactly, just like for Config-Only sandbox, it is 500 MB, for developer sandbox, it is 10 MB. What is it for Full-Copy Sandbox?

Also, I have heard that each record's storage size is 2 KB. Please confirm if this is correct and also let me know accordingly, how many maximum records can exist in a Full-Copy / Production environment.

Best Answer

Most records take up 2KB, there are some exceptions (KB: 000193871):

  • Person Accounts - 4KB
  • Campaigns - 8KB
  • Campaign Members – 1KB
  • Articles - 4KB
  • Email Message - This is dependent upon the content of the messages, a 100kb email message takes 100kb of data storage space. Text only emails will take less than HTML due to only being the body text and not the html code and text version as well.

Your full sandbox will be able to store the same amount of records as your production one.

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