[SalesForce] Generic error handler for Force.com Sites error pages

I know that I can override the standard error pages for a Force.com Site (Not Found, In Maintenance, Generic Error) with my own Visualforce pages and controller.

However, what I don't know how to do is find out what the root cause is for the Generic Error that is causing me to arrive at the page.

For example, if I haven't authorized one of the VF Pages that makes up my site to the Sites Guest User (via Profile or Permission Set), you land on the "http://xyz-developer-edition.na16.force.com/ticket is under construction. Stay tuned. Please email us if you need to get in touch." page.

But how do I know that the reason I'm on the Generic Error page is because of that specific problem?

My goal is to add a VF controller to the error page and email an administrator with a detailed explanation of the problem (and tips on how to resolve it).

Best Answer

After a long and laborious Case with Support, the conclusion is that there is no way to do what's suggested in the Question.

Any unhandled exception in a VF page served from Force.com Sites results in a 401/Unauthorized which is handled by the VF page configured as the "Unauthorized" handler in the Sites configuration.

If you add a Controller to this page and set an action on the page which invokes a method like so:

public class ErrorController{
    public PageReference landingAction(){
        System.debug('ERROR MESSAGE: ' + Site.getErrorMessage());
        System.debug('ERROR DESCRIPTION: ' + Site.getErrorDescription());
        return null;

The ERROR MESSAGE is "Login is required to access this URL."

This is not correct, but according to Support, this is "working as designed" and as such, is completely useless.