[SalesForce] get commandlink value using JS

I have a link commandLink with value and onclick attributes, When I click on the link it should call a function in JS to get commandLink value. but it returns undefined in alert.
How can I get commandLink value ?

function callActionMethod(){
    var param1 = $j("#rowlink").val();

<apex:commandLink reRender="testlabel" 
                  value="{!accounts.id}" />

Best Answer

You can pass the parameter directly to the function; there's no need to do this with jQuery (or any JavaScript), at all.

function callActionMethod(param) {
<apex:commandLink value="{!accounts.id}" onclick="callActionMethod('{!accounts.id}')" />

Fully functional example:

<apex:page controller="myControllerA">
function callActionMethod(recordId) {
    <apex:form id="form">
        <apex:actionFunction name="readCell" action="{!readCellMethod}" reRender="form">
            <apex:param value="" name="recordId" assignTo="{!selectedId}"/>
        <apex:repeat value="{!accounts}" var="account">
            <apex:commandLink value="{!account.name}" onclick="callActionMethod('{!account.id}'); return false;"/><br/>
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