[SalesForce] Get Email Preview Thumbnail

From the Platform, i can easily access the Thumbnail, however from within the SOAP API, this is very difficult to do. I've tried some suggested comments I've found with User Token, passing it both in POST and GET request; Failed, even tried submitting a LOGIN post via the LoginURL returned with it, and then quickly trying to access it.. also failed, thought maybe some cookies might exist in the Login Response and I could place them into the thumbnail, but they're all cleared for that particular response.. This is silly, can someone please find a way to make this work? I am about to write some logic that will just simply Login to the platform in code much like I would in person, to obtain the thumbnails that way, I was trying to avoid it because its stupid.. but it seems you guys are leaving me little choice.

The URL found within Exact Target portal, is as follows:


I am trying to find a way to get this same image from SOAP API, so I can cache and store it locally within our "Artwork Manager";

our software is fully automated against ET, and ideally people will be able to create/edit the emails from our application as well.. currently we're able to retrieve the ID's and Names of existing Emails, and use those to send new Emails.. it is simply a bother to be completely missing the ability to "Preview" the email ID you're about to select when setting up a marketing campaign.

Best Answer

Many moons later, this can be done with the REST API, using the following endpoint:

GET /asset/v1/assets/{id}/thumbnail

It will return a base64 encoded string of the thumbnail image. Thumbnail size is 200x200.

Unfortunately the thumbnail endpoint is undocumented, at this point in time.

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