[SalesForce] Get Previous Month from DE using SQL

I'm trying to pull things from the previous month (April only) from a data extension, but am running into something weird. Why wouldn't the initial query of "= DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE())" produce the result I want? Is there a way around it in Marketing Cloud?

Here are the details

  1. My two DE's are: StartingDE and EndingDE.
  2. Columns for both DE's are the same.
  3. Neither are sendable DE's, so I don't have a primary key.

  4. Data for StartingDE is below:

    FirstName  |  LastName  |   DateOfPurchase
       Joe     |   Smith    |   Friday, May 11, 2018 12:00AM
       Patty   |   Page     |   Tuesday, April 17, 2018 12:00AM
       Kit     |   McMaster |   Wednesday, March 07, 2018 12:00AM

The below query returns 0 records:

SELECT sd.FirstName, sd.LastName, sd.DateOfPurchase
FROM StartingDE sd
WHERE sd.DateOfPurchase = DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE())

The below query returns 2 records – Joe Smith (month of May) and Patty Page (month of April):

SELECT sd.FirstName, sd.LastName, sd.DateOfPurchase
FROM StartingDE sd
WHERE sd.DateOfPurchase >= DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE())

Best Answer

@Harley - Correct query needs to take both Month and Year, not just one of them:

sd.FirstName, sd.LastName, sd.DateOfPurchase 

FROM StartingDE sd 

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