[SalesForce] Get Status Updates When Running Tests with ANT Migration Tool

I'm trying to set up Jenkins to automate a daily task of running all tests in my sandbox (and eventually, production environment.

Typically, when I do a deploy or retrieve task, I get lots of output while the process in going:

[sf:retrieve] Request for a retrieve submitted successfully.
[sf:retrieve] Request Id for the current retrieve task: 04sJ00000005q0JIAQ
[sf:retrieve] Waiting for server to finish processing the request...
[sf:retrieve] Request Status: InProgress
[sf:retrieve] Request Status: InProgress
[sf:retrieve] Request Status: Completed

However, when I do a test task, I get one line, and then a big old nothing:

[sf:compileAndTest] compileAndTest on https://test.salesforce.com, compiling 0 classes and 0 triggers, deleting 0 classes and 0 triggers


Furthermore, there's no evidence in my org that anything is happening: nothing shows up on my Monitor Deployments page, and nothing shows up in my Test Execution monitoring page. It's really disconcerting, since running all tests can take 30+ min and I have no idea how it's going (or if it's actually happening at all).

Any tips for how I can get more useful feedback? Here's my ant target:

<target name="runTestsDev">
        <echo>Running all tests in the "dev" environment.</echo>
        <sf:compileAndTest username="${sf.dev.username}"
            <runTests namespace="Default"/>

(It's actually more generic, and defined with macros — just giving you the simplified version)

Best Answer

You can accomplish this by tweaking a few of the parameters in the deploy. Namely trace, pollWaitMillis, logType, and runTest. For example:

<target name="deploy">
  <sf:deploy username="${sf.username}" 
    <runTest>MyClass2</runTest> <!--maybe you can use <runTests namespace="default">?-->

Alternatively, you could just build a simple Apex rest webservice that queues all non-namespaced tests, and call this webserivce from Jenkins using curl & ant. There is no harm in queuing non-test classes. These test results would appear in the "Apex Text Execution" section of the setup menu.

global static ResponseBody queueTests() {
    List<ApexTestQueueItem> items = new List<ApexTestQueueItem>();
    for(ApexClass ac : [SELECT Id FROM ApexClass WHERE NamespacePrefix = null]) {
        items.add(new ApexTestQueueItem(ApexClassId = ac.Id));

    insert items;
    return new ResponseBody('success');

If you wanted to do this kind of thing on demand, www.aside.io allows users to run unit tests by query from its "test" section. Click the "Run Some" button, and enter the following query:

SELECT Id FROM ApexClass WHERE NamespacePrefix = null