[SalesForce] get the Aura:id from event

How can i get the aura:id dynamically from event attribute, the below example i was trying to get the aura:id to get the value, else you can think as aura:id might be some field APIname so i can pass this field name and value to controller to store the value dynamically.


<aura:component controller = "LC_AutoSave" implements="force:appHostable" >
        <ui:inputtext  value = ""  aura:id ="testtext"  blur = "{!c.autoSave}"/>
        <ui:inputtext value = "" aura:id ="testtext1"  blur = "{!c.autoSave}"/>
        <ui:inputtext value = "" aura:id ="testtext2"  blur = "{!c.autoSave}"/>



    autoSave : function(component, event, helper) {
        var a = event.getSource();

Best Answer

I'm pretty sure you just call component.getLocalId()

So it'd be:

var a = event.getSource();
var id = a.getLocalId();

To find the local ID for a component in JavaScript, use cmp.getLocalId().

Source here:

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