[SalesForce] Getting the value of an inputField on the page

I have a visualforce page with quite a few apex:inputField elements on it.

When the value of one of the inputfields is changed, I want to put that value into an output text area elsewhere on the page.. but I don't (and basically, can't) want to save the whole object in the background.

I have used an apex:actionSupport to watch for the onChange event, and it rerenders a component, which has the outputText on it.

The input text looks like this:

<apex:inputField value="{!Invoice__c.Country__c}">
    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="invoiceData" />

and the component on the same page looks like this:

<apex:outputPanel id="invoiceData">
    <c:invoiceDataComponent countryCode="XYZ" />

The component then has a controller, and defines an apex:attribute binding to a variable (countryCode) into which I'd like to shove the value of the country text box.

But I cannot, for the life of me, work out what to put at XYZ above, to get the text in the inputField. If I could just put javascript in there, I'd put an ID on the input and use:


But when I tried this, it just passed the string above in literally. This is quite frustrating!

Best Answer

I would suggest just updating your component to:

<apex:outputPanel id="invoiceData">
    <c:invoiceDataComponent countryCode="{!Invoice__c.Country__c}" />

I believe by adding the ActionSupport to your your code should already be updating the value on the controller, so when your component rerenders it should have the updated value.

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