[SalesForce] Ghost Schedulable Classes Blocking Deployment

Recently I've been running into issues where deployments were blocked due to a Schedulable job pending or in progress when I'd already cleared the Schedulable job from that class.

Any tips for resolving this issue? I've had success in the past by querying all CronTrigger objects and aborting the jobs that don't have a status of 'Deleted', but that has the unwanted side effect of cancelling all Dashboard Refreshes as well. I'm sure there is just a stuck job in there somewhere, but was curious if any of you code heads out there had other ideas …

Best Answer

Has it something to do with this 'Known Issue'? http://success.salesforce.com/issues_view?id=a1p30000000STwPAAW


While this is marked as fixed this issue still continues to come up from time to time. Fortunately Salesforce support can run a quick fix to address. Contact them and ask to run "fix for locked scheduled class" and include the deployment error message.

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