[SalesForce] Handle AuraHandledException in Lightning Web Component

Let's say I have an apex method like such:

public static void myMethod(String myString){
    if (String.isBlank(myString)) {
        throw new AuraHandledException('Not Cool Bro.');

and I have a Lightning Web Component with controller with a method like this:

import myMethod from '@salesforce/apex/MyClass.myMethod';

export default class YeOldeWebComponent extends LightningElement {
    @track myString;

callMyMethod() {
    console.log("Starting my method...");
    myMethod({myString: this.myString})
    .then(() => {
        console.log("My Method Was Successful!");
    .catch(error => {
        console.log("My Method Was Not Successful :/");
        let myMessage = "Default Error Message.";
        this.showToast("Error!", myMessage , "error");
showToast(theTitle, theMessage, theVariant) {
                const event = new ShowToastEvent({
                    title: theTitle,
                    message: theMessage,
                    variant: theVariant

How do I get something useful (the original error message) out of the 'error' variable to pass to the showToast method?

——EDIT ——
I figured it out… it goes a little something like this:

.catch(error => {
        let errorMessage = TOAST_MESSAGE_ERROR;
        if ( error.body.message) {
            errorMessage =error.body.message;
        this.showToast(TOAST_TITLE_ERROR, errorMessage, TOAST_VARIANT_ERROR);}

Best Answer

Got it figured out - it looks like this!

.catch(error => {
    let errorMessage = TOAST_MESSAGE_ERROR;
    if ( error.body.message) {
        errorMessage =error.body.message;
    this.showToast(TOAST_TITLE_ERROR, errorMessage, TOAST_VARIANT_ERROR);}
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