[SalesForce] Help creating basic validation rule on PickList Value

I need some help creating a basic validation rule

Aim – If field name “Client_Business_Type” contains “pension” then field name “Pension_Fund_Type” is mandatory

Field Label : Type of money
Field Name : Client_Business_Type
Api : Client_Business_Type__c
Data type : Picklist

Field Label : Pension Fund Type
Field Name : Pension_Fund_Type
Api : Pension_Fund_Type__c
Data type : Picklist

I have currently tried following validation rule. which works fine. However, instead of listing each pension from within the picklist. Is there anyway i can do a wildcard search for the word pension in the picklist value?

If I add more picklist values that contain the word 'Pension', I don't want to have to adjust the validation rule. Is there any way to find any picklist value that contains the word 'Pension'?

ISPICKVAL( Client_Business_Type__c , "Pension Fund - Public sector") && ISPICKVAL( Pension_Fund_Type__c, "" )  

Best Answer

You could just use the CONTAINS() function along with the TEXT() function. Something like this should work for any picklist value that has the word pension in it.

    CONTAINS(TEXT(Client_Business_Type__c), LOWER('pension')),