[SalesForce] Help with If Statement in JavaScript Button

So I have a button on a Custom Object that simply updates a checkbox field. I am trying to add an if statement to this button so that if the checkbox was already checked when the button was clicked it displays a window stating it was already selected and cannot be selected again. Below is what I have so far. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

var bo = new sforce.SObject("Buyer__c");
if(bo.Put_Trucks_on_48_Hour_Hold__c = 'True')
alert('Error : This Buyers Order has already been placed within a 48 Hour Hold and cannot be placed within one again.');
bo.Id = '{!Buyer__c.Id }';
bo.Put_Trucks_on_48_Hour_Hold__c = 'True';
var result = sforce.connection.update([bo]);
alert('Error : '+result);

Best Answer

Your code has a few problems.

  • bo is simply a record "in memory" and has no relation to anything in the database. Your alert will never happen because you haven't loaded the data.

  • = is assignment, not comparison. Use == for comparison.

  • True or 'True' will never match. In JavaScript, it is always just true.

  • Don't compare a Boolean to true or false. It's already true or false.

  • The apex library is only needed for the likes of sforce.apex.execute or sforce.apex.executeAnonymous. You don't need it here.

The code you're looking for would be more like this:

if({!Buyer__c.Put_Trucks_on_48_Hour_Hold__c}) {
    alert('Error : This Buyers Order has already been placed within a 48 Hour Hold and cannot be placed within one again.');
} else {
    var bo = new sforce.SObject('Buyer__c');
    bo.Id = '{!Buyer__c.Id}';
    bo.Put_Trucks_on_48_Hour_Hold__c = true;
    var result = sforce.connection.update([bo]);
    if(result[0].success) {
    } else {

Note: It's been a while since I've used the Toolkit, so the result handling might not be exact. Please check the documentation.

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