[SalesForce] Home page for community users

I have created a Vf page now i need to add the Vf page to the community user home page when I log into as community user i am getting a message that : https://partner360-developer-edition.na15.force.com/Customer/ is under construction. how can i change the url to my VF page. Please guide me how to get it solved.

Best Answer

There's a special one-to-one relationship between a Community and a Force.com Site. It's actually the associated Site entry that holds the Home Page and enabled Visualforce Pages.

The public home page needs to be accessible by "[Your Community Name] Guest":

  1. go to Setup > Develop > Sites

  2. click "[Your Community Name] Guest"

  3. hit the Edit button,

  4. in 'Active Site Home Page' choose your Visualforce home page,

The logged in home page needs to be accessible by "[Your Community Name] Partner User":

  1. create a Visualforce Page,

  2. go to Setup > Develop > Pages and click Security next to your page

  3. move the relevant Login User profile into the Enabled Profiles

Then when you direct visitors to your login page, you must include the ?startURL=/apex/PageName URL parameter.