[SalesForce] how can I pass more than one parameter in invocable method without using flow

In my Process Builder, on creation of my custom Object Bank__c record, I want to pass two parameters(Ids, objectApIName) to InvocableMethod in Apex class, so I added this to my code,

public static List<Id> idList = new List<Id>();
public class Request{
    public List<Id> ids;
    public String objectAPIName;

public static void mergeAccounts(Request[] requests) {
    String objectAPIName; // Object API Name
    for (Request mp : requests) {                
        objectAPIName = mp.objectAPIName;

But when I am trying to add "ids" variable with RecordId in Process Builder it is giving me this error
"The input parameter "ids" can accept multiple values, so the assigned value must be a flow variable with the isCollection property set to true."

Is there any way I can pass the RecordId's into my Apex class just from PB instead of also using Flow. Let me know.
Thank you!

Best Answer

You can't. You'd have to change the variable to Id instead of List<Id>.

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