[SalesForce] how can we populate picklist values from custom object in visualforce page

I have a custom object(survey__c) and custom field which holds the picklists values of the month (month__c). i want to use these picklist values in vf page…. i am using a custom controller in vf page …..can anyone help in resolving this issue with an example .

vf page :

<apex:selectList id="Months" value="{!Survey__c.Month__c}" size="1" required="true">
    <apex:selectOptions value="{!months}"/>        

controller :

public List<SelectOption> getMonths()


  List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();

   Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult =  Survey__c.Month__c.getDescribe();

   List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();

   for( Schema.PicklistEntry f : ple)


      options.add(new SelectOption(f.getLabel(), f.getValue()));


   return options;


it is giving error as –

Unknown property : 'CommunitySurveyContrller.Survey__c'

Best Answer

Assuming Survey__c is what you are trying to populate, you need to define a variable/property in your controller, i.e.:

public Survey__c survey {get; set;}

then in your constructor, instantiate it, i.e.:

public CommunitySurveyContrller() { survey = new Survey__c(); }

then in your VF page, access/connect it, i.e.:

<apex:selectList id="Months" value="{!survey.Month__c}" size="1" required="true"> <apex:selectOptions value="{!months}"/> </apex:selectList>

hope this helps.

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