[SalesForce] How to add custom error message and remove the error message thrown by Site.login in visualforce page

How can I add custom error message and remove the error message thrown by Site.login in visualforce page?

Im having trouble removing the error message thrown by Site.login that says "Error: Your login attempt has failed. Make sure the username and password are correct."

I need to replace it to another custom error message. I used apex messages but still the Site.login error occurs.


private PageReference getLoginDetails() {
    String startUrl = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('startURL');
    //return Site.login(username,password, OrganizationSettings__c.getInstance().PortalEmailURL__c +'/'+'dashboard'); 
 // return Site.login(username,password, startUrl);
     PageReference pr = Site.login(username,password, startUrl);
    if(pr == null ){ 
      //return null;
       ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Info, '* You\'ve entered an incorrect username and/or password. Please re-enter your log-in information.'));
        return pr;


VF Page:

<apex:pageBlock >
    <apex:outputPanel styleClass="errorMsg"><apex:pageMessages id="showmsg"></apex:pageMessages></apex:outputPanel> 
<!--** END // DISPLAY ERROR MSG**-->


Error: Your login attempt has failed. Make sure the username and
password are correct.
You've entered an incorrect username and/or password. Please re-enter your log-in information.

Best Answer

Its frustrating that the messages that apex:pageMessages presents can't be cleared out and replaced. So you are stuck with not including that tag in your page and instead using your own logic and the apex:pageMessage tag:

<apex:pageMessage summary="You have ..." severity="warning" rendered="{! error }"/>

where you define and set an error property in yourcontroller:

public Boolean error {get; set;}

    error = pr == null;